Thursday, March 5, 2020

Transferable Skills That Military Personnel Can Embrace To Enter Civilian Job Roles - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Transferable Skills That Military Personnel Can Embrace To Enter Civilian Job Roles - Introvert Whisperer Transferable Skills That Military Personnel Can Embrace To Enter Civilian Job Roles Once you’ve left the military, it can be tough transitioning back into civilian job roles. Having to accustom yourself with the rules and regulations of typical 9-5 life can be difficult. This can often leave many feeling unsure about whether they’ve got what it takes to succeed in the commercial job world.   However, once you’re settled into another job with brand new prospects and goals, the sky’s the limit. Still don’t think you’ve got any relevant skills? See below all of the transferable skills that military personnel can embrace to enter civilian job roles: Leadership Without a doubt, many members of the military will leave with extremely strong leadership skills. The military’s unrivalled emphasis on duty, honour and respect means that you’re already equipped with fundamental characteristics and qualities that an employer will look for. Even at the lowest rank, you’ll have needed the ability to manage and work in a diverse team. This is a skill that’s always in high demand. Communication During your time in the military, communication will have been one of the strongest skills you developed. This is a wonderful transferable skill to take into the commercial job market. In fact, amongst many candidates, you’re likely to be the one with the best communication skills. From basic interaction with colleagues to briefing the management board with a presentation, these are typical challenges that military personnel are used to. Organisation Organising your thoughts in hectic surrounding will come naturally to you. Staying calm and collected during even the busiest and toughest periods is a skill that many employers look for. Your personal organisation can be easily transferred into the work environment where you’ll take on multiple tasks and projects with ease. This level of experience and maturity is well suited to the corporate world. Determination Military personnel are trained to think of tasks and projects in terms of missions. This way of thinking means you have a streamlined way of working which gives you great determination to complete the tasks as efficiently and quickly as possible. Teamwork Teamwork is a common term used on CV’s, but rarely will other candidates have experienced the same level of teamwork as you. In the military, teamwork is about operating in a tight-knit group who may experience tragedy together. Seeing your comrades fall victim to military brain injury or loss of a limb is sadly not an unlikely occurrence. This level of loyalty and friendship creates a dynamic team who are able to work together and identify every persons strengths and weaknesses. Problem Solving After serving in the military, you’ll become a natural problem solver. Your analytic mind is highly sought after, so be sure to include all past experiences where you’ve helped to overcome hurdles on your CV and in your interview discussions. Furthermore, your skills in problem solving are developed from a unique perspective, adding a completely new viewpoint to any situation. Strong Work Ethic Employers are looking for staff who will always go the extra mile and dedicate themselves to the job. Military personnel have an incredibly strong work ethic instilled in them from day one. Of all the potential candidates, you’re the one who’ll be the first to turn up in the morning and the last one to go home.   Will You Take the Leap? Now you’ve been reminded of all the fantastic qualities and skills you possess; do you feel brave enough to take the leap into the civilian job roles waiting for you? There’s no reason to feel any less qualified that other candidates competing for the same job. You’re capable of bringing the exact same skills and experience â€" they’ve simply been developed from a different background. Author Bio: Jamie Costello is an experienced Business writer based in the UK. He uses his experience from education and work experience within several industries to help create his articles. His topics range from career advice to resolving disputes in the workplace. For this particular article, hes looked into wider research on the topic of military personnel and employment skills. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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